Vulnerability Encyclopedia
Have a comprehensive information base on vulnerabilities
Access hourly updates on vulnerabilities, security alerts from vendors, and publicly available attack kits.
Filter vulnerabilities by the technologies and criteria you are interested in
Use our search engine to access a relevant list of vulnerabilities, based on the technologies present in your information system, the CVSS score you are looking for, and the maturity level of the exploits available.
Quickly identify the easiest and most impactful vulnerabilities to attack
Our web crawlers scan the Internet every hour for new attack kits and vulnerabilities. This information is consolidated in our encyclopedia, and allows you to identify the vulnerabilities that have the most advanced attack kits, and the highest CVSS scores.
Prioritize the vulnerabilities with the Cyberscore
Cyberwatch automatically computes the real score of each vulnerability based on the Cyberscore, which adds the Temporal metrics of the CVSS v3.1 score to each entry. The new score allows you to prioritize risks according to their ease of operation. You can also modify the vulnerability score to customize it to your needs.
Receive automatically alerts on your vulnerabilities
Take advantage of our support and entrust us with the monitoring of your vulnerabilities. Thanks to our email and SMS alerts, you won’t miss any important information.
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